Introduction To Java Programming Language Best Simple To Use

Introduction To Java Programming Language Best Simple To Use
Introduction To Java Programming Language Best Simple To Use

Introduction To Java Programming Language Best Simple To Use

Java: It is a general-purpose, high-level, pure object-oriented programming language.
java's first name oak next goes to Green and finally becomes JAVA.
Java Programming Java is the name of Coffee Seed.
It is developed by James Gosling and Sun Microsystem in 1995.
James Gosling and his team started to work on java for a client's set-top box project in 1991.
The first version of java (java 1.0) is released in 1995.

Know More Languages Introduction

👉C++ Language Introduction

👉C Language Introduction

👉Python Language Introduction 

Features of Java

1. Simple

2. Platform Independent

3. Object-Oriented

4. Security

5. Flexible

6. Portable

7. Multithreading

Application of Java

1. Window Application

2. Web Application

3. Android Application

4. Mobile Application

5. Embedded System

6. Scientific Application MATLAB

7. Games Developed

8. Database Connectivity

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