java Variabels How To Store Data Values

java Variabels How To Store Data Values
java Variables How To Store Data Values

    Java Variables How To Store Data Value   

    Variables: A variable could be an instrumentality that stores a worth once running a java program. 

    The variable receives an information kind. The variable is the name of a memory location. 

    There square measure three styles of variables in java native, instance, and static.

    There square measure two styles of knowledge in java: primitive and non-primitive.          

    data_type variable_name=value;   

    int data=100; 


    char gender='m';

    Variable: The variable is the name of the reserved space allotted in memory. 

    In alternative words, it's the name of the memory location. 

    it's a “vary + able” combination, which suggests that its worth are often modified.

    Important Variable Topic in Other Languages 

    👉C++ Variables

    👉C Variables

    👉Python Variables 

    Rules of Variables in Java

    1. The First letter of a variable should be an alphabet or underscore like this a(_).

    2. The First letter of a variable should not be a digit.

    3. variable name should not be a reserved keyword.

    Types of Variables in Java

    There square measure 3 styles of variables in java.

    1.local variable

    2.instance variable

    3.static variable

    Local variableA variable declared within the body of a technique is termed a neighborhood variable. 

    you'll solely use this variable during this methodology, and also the alternative ways within the category do not even apprehend that this variable exists.

    A local variable can not be set to victimization the static keyword.

    2. Instance variableA variable declared within a category however outside the body of a technique is termed Associate in Nursing instance variable. it's not declared static.

    It is referred to as Associate in Nursing instance variable as a result of its worth is instance specific and isn't shared between instances.

    3. Static variable: A variable declared static is termed a static variable. It cannot be native. you'll produce a duplicate of a static variable and use it for all instances of the category. 

    Allocating memory for a static variable happens one time, once the category is loaded into memory.

    How To Use Local Variable in Java?

    class icoderweb


    int a=200;

    int b=100; //local variable declared

    int c;

    public void add()



    System.out.print("Addition of a+b="+c);


    public static void main(String[] args)


    icoderweb obj=new icoderweb();





    Addition of a+b=300

    How To Use Instance Variable in Java?

    class icoderweb


    int a=200;

    int b=100;

    int c;

    public void add()



    System.out.print("Addition of a+b="+c);


    public void sub()



    System.out.print("Subtraction of a-b="+c);


    public static void main(String[] args)


    icoderweb obj=new icoderweb();






    Addition of a+b=300

    Subtraction of a-b=100

    How To Use static Variable in Java?

    class icoderweb


    static String name="Welcome To Icoderweb website";

    public static void main(String[] args)






    Welcome To the Icoderweb website

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