BCA 1st year all odd semester question paper 

BCA 1st year all odd semester question paper
BCA 1st year all odd semester question paper 

BCA 1st year all odd semester question paper 

Odd semester Examination 2020-21

                        B.C.A 1 First year

Subject :C Programming    Code:JBCA-012

Roll No: 

Time: 3 Hours                         MM:70

                              Part 1

Q:1 Attempt All The Questions.

a. The keyword used to transfer control from a function back to the calling function is 


   (i) switch          (iii) goto


   (ii) Go back        (iv) return

b. which of the following cannot be checked in a switch-case statement?


   (i) character       (iii) integer


   (ii) float          (iv) enum

c.Explain the use of the ternary operator?

d.Explain the use of the extern keywords?

e.Explain pre_increment and post_increment?

f.Difference between break and exit statement?

g.Explain the use of the continue statement?

h. what do you mean by Recursive function?

                             Part 2

Q:2 Attempt Any Three Questions.

a. What is the different control structures used in C language? Explain all of them with suitable example

b. What are escape sequences? Explain \a \n \t and \v?

c. Write a program to calculate the factorial of a given number?

d. What are Operators? Explain different types?

e. What is a Flow Chart? Explain its symbols?

                           Part 3

All Questions are Compulsory.

Q:3 Attempt any one question.

a. What is the Switch statement? Explain with an example?

b. wite a program to display first n prime number?

Q:4 Attempt any one question.

a. Differentiate between while and do while with example?

b. Write a program to print the following pattern?


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Q:5 Attempt any one question.

a. Differentiate between call by value and call by reference?

b. Explain the structure of C programming?

Q:6 Attempt any one question.

a. What is recursive function? write a program to display the Fibonacci series using recursion?

b. What do you mean by data type and variables?

Q:7 Attempt any one question.

a. What are function? Differentiate between predefined and user-defined functions?

b. Write an algorithm and draw a flow chart to find GCD. 


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