What are the Benefits of Using Vectors Function in Java? |
What are the Benefits of Using Vectors in Java
Vector: Vector is a predefined class and is used to store the data. We can store data of any data type(float, int, character, string). It is defined inside the package java. util. It is similar to a traditional Java array, except that it can grow as necessary to accommodate new elements. Elements of a vector can be accessed using index numbers and it starts from zero. Vectors are Synchronized. Vector implements a dynamic array that means it can grow or shrink as required. It is mostly used when there is no idea about the number of elements in an array.
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There is three-way to create a vector.
Vector v = new Vector();It will create an empty Vector of capacity 10. The default initial capacity of the vector is 10.
Vector v = new Vector(5);
It will create a Vector of an initial capacity of 5.
Vector v = new Vector(5,10);
Here 5 is the initial capacity and 10 is the capacity increment. It means upon insertion of the 6th element the size would be 15 (5+10).
How To Use Vector in Java?
import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Enumeration; class Icoderweb { public static void main(String args[]) { Enumeration courses; Vector courseName = new Vector(); courseName.add("C");
courseName.add("C++"); courseName.add("JAVA"); courseName.add("PYTHON"); courses = courseName.elements(); while (courses.hasMoreElements()) { System.out.println(courses.nextElement()); } } } *****OUTPUT***** C C++ JAVA PYTHON |
How To Use Vector Function in Java?
👉Super Keyword Static Keyword
1. add(): add function can be used to
insert the element at the end of the vector.
import java.util.Vector; class Icoderweb { public static void main(String args[]) { Vector data = new Vector(); data.add("JAVA"); data.add("PYTHON"); for(int i=0;i< data.size();i++) { System.out.println(data.get(i)); } } } *****OUTPUT***** PYTHON |
2.addElement(): add Element function
can be also used to insert the element at the end of the vector.
import java.util.Vector; class Icoderweb { public
static void main(String args[]) { Vector data = new Vector(); data.addElement("JAVA"); c data.addElement("PHP"); for(int i=0;i< data.size();i++) { System.out.println(courseName.get(i)); } } } *****OUTPUT***** PYTHON |
3.size(): size can return the size of the vector.
class Icoderweb { public
static void main(String args[]) { Vector data= new Vector(); data.addElement("JAVA"); data.addElement("PYTHON"); System.out.println("Size of Vector:"+data.size());
} } *****OUTPUT***** |
4. get(): get function can be used to
get the element at the specified index.
import java.util.Vector; class Icoderweb { public static void main(String args[]) { Vector data= new Vector(); data.addElement("JAVA"); data.addElement("PYTHON"); System.out.println(courseName.get(1)); } } *****OUTPUT***** PYTHON |
5. elementAt(): ElementAt function
can be also used to get the element at specified index.
import java.util.Vector; class Icoderweb { public static void main(String args[]) { Vector data= new Vector(); Data.addElement("JAVA"); data.addElement("PHP"); System.out.println(courseName.elementAt(1)); } } *****OUTPUT***** PYTHON |
6. capacity(): The capacity function can
return the current capacity of the vector.
import java.util.Vector; class Icoderweb { public static void main(String args[]) { Vector v1 = new Vector(); System.out.println("Capacity:"+v1.capacity()); Vector v2 = new Vector(5); System.out.println("Capacity:"+v2.capacity());
} } *****OUTPUT***** Capacity:10 Capacity:5 |
7.firstElement(): First Elements
function can be returns the first element of vector.
import java.util.Vector; class Icoderweb { public static void main(String args[]) { Vector v = new Vector(); v.addElement("JAVA"); v.addElement("C++"); v.addElement("PyTHON"); v.addElement("C"); System.out.println(v.firstElement()); } } *****OUTPUT***** |
8.lastElement(): Last Element
function can be returns the last element of vector.
import java.util.Vector; class Icoderweb { public static void main(String args[]) { Vector v = new Vector(); v.addElement("JAVA"); v.addElement("C++"); v.addElement("PyTHON"); v.addElement("C Language"); System.out.println(v.lastElement()); } } *****OUTPUT***** |
9. contains(): The Contains function can check whether the specified element is present in the Vector. It returns
boolean values true and false. If the given element presents in the vector
return true otherwise false.
import java.util.Vector; class Icpderweb { public static void main(String args[]) { Vector v= new Vector(); v.addElement("JAVA"); v.addElement("C++"); v.addElement("PYTHON"); v.addElement("C Language"); System.out.println(v.contains("JAVA"));
} } *****OUTPUT***** False |
10.isEmpty(): is Empty function can
be returns true if Vector doesn’t have any element.
import java.util.Vector; class Icoderweb { public static void main(String args[]) { Vector v= new Vector(); System.out.println(v.isEmpty()); v.addElement("JAVA"); v.addElement("PHP"); System.out.println(obj.isEmpty()); } } *****OUTPUT***** False |
import java.util.Vector; class Icoderweb { public static void main(String args[]) { Vector v
= new Vector(); v.addElement("JAVA"); v.addElement("PHP"); v.addElement("PYTHON"); v.addElement("ANDROID"); System.out.println("Elements of
vector"); System.out.println(v); v.remove(2); System.out.println("Elements of vector
after removing"); System.out.println(v); } } Elements of vector [JAVA, PHP, PYTHON,
ANDROID] Elements of the vector after removing [JAVA, PHP,
12.removeElement(): Remove Element
function removes the specifed element from vector.
import java.util.Vector; class Icoderweb { public static void main(String args[]) { Vector v
= new Vector(); v.addElement("JAVA"); v.addElement("PHP"); v.addElement("PYTHON"); v.addElement("ANDROID"); System.out.println("Elements of
vector"); System.out.println(v); v.remove("ANDROID"); System.out.println("Elements of vector
after removing"); System.out.println(obj); } } *****OUTPUT***** Elements of vector [JAVA, PHP, PYTHON,
ANDROID] Elements of the vector after removing [JAVA, PHP,
13.insertElementAt(): insert
Elements can be used to insert the element at specified index.
import java.util.Vector; class icoderweb { public static void main(String args[]) { Vector v = new Vector(); v.addElement("JAVA"); v.addElement("PHP"); v.addElement("PYTHON"); v.addElement("ANDROID"); System.out.println("Elements of
vector"); System.out.println(v); v.insertElementAt("HTML",2); System.out.println("Elements of vector
after insertion"); System.out.println(v); } } *****OUTPUT***** Elements of vector [JAVA, PHP, PYTHON,
ANDROID] Elements of vector after insertion [JAVA, PHP,
14.set(): set function can be used
to update the element at specified index.
import java.util.Vector; class Icoderweb { public static void main(String args[]) { Vector v= new Vector(); v.addElement("JAVA"); v.addElement("PHP"); v.addElement("PYTHON"); v.addElement("ANDROID"); System.out.println("Vector elements :
"+v); v.set(2,"HTML"); System.out.println("Vector elements after
updation : "+v); } } *****OUTPUT***** Vector elements : [JAVA, PHP, PYTHON, ANDROID]
Vector elements after updation : [JAVA, PHP,
15.setElementAt(): set element function is
also used to update the element at specified index.
import java.util.Vector; class icoderweb { public static void main(String args[]) { Vector v = new Vector(); v.addElement("JAVA"); v.addElement("PHP"); v.addElement("PYTHON"); v.addElement("ANDROID"); System.out.println("Vector elements :
"+v); v.setElementAt("HTML",2); System.out.println("Vector elements after
updation : "+v); } } *****OUTPUT***** Vector elements : [JAVA, PHP, PYTHON, ANDROID]
Vector elements after updation : [JAVA, PHP,
Remove All Elements function can be used to remove all the elements from the
import java.util.Vector; class Icoderweb { public static void main(String args[]) { Vector v
= new Vector(); v.addElement("JAVA"); v.addElement("PHP"); v.addElement("PyTHON"); v.addElement("ANDROID"); System.out.println("Vector elements :
"+v); v.removeAllElements(); System.out.println("Vector elements after
deletion : "+v); } } *****OUTPUT***** Vector elements : [JAVA, PHP, PYTHON, ANDROID]
Vector elements after deletion : [] |