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How To Use C pulse keywords With Examples |
How To Use Keywords List Data
Keywords: C++ keyword used as an identifier in C++ programs, it is reserved keywords in C++ library and used to perform an internal operation.
List of C++ Keywords
2.break 3.case 4.char 5.const 6.continue 7.default 8.do 9.double 10.else 11.enum 12.extern 13.float 14.for 15.goto 16.if 17.int 18.long 19.register 20.return 21.short 22.signed 23.sizeof 24.static 25.struct 26.switch 27.typedef 28.union 29.unsigned 30.void 31.volatile 32.while 33.new 34.this 35.operator 36.throw 37.bool 38.explicit 39.private 40.true 41.export 42.protected 43.try 44.public 45.catch 46.false 47.class 48.friend 49.default 50. inline 51.delete 52.template 53.namespace 54.virtual 55.Pointer |
Example of All Keyword in C++ language in Full Details
An auto keyword makes an
automatic variable like:
auto int data;
This statement suggests that data is a variable
of storage class auto and datatype int.
Automatic variables are local functions, they
are also called local variables. so it is called the auto variable.
A break keyword statement
terminates the loop immediately. The break statement ends the for a loop when
the condition is false.
Some Others Languages Keywords
How To Use break Statement in C++?
using namespace std; int main() { for(int i=1;i<=10;i++) { if(i==5) { cout<<"break the 5 value of break statement"; break; } cout<<i<<"\n; } } *****OUTPUT***** 1 2 3 4 break the 5 value of break statement |
continue Statement: A continue statement skips the value of the current iteration of the loop. continue statement is a print next iteration.
How To Use continue statement in C++?
using namespace std; int main() { for(int i=1;i<=10;i++) { if(i==5) { cout<<"skip the 5 value of continue statement"; continue; } cout<<i<<"\n; } } *****OUTPUT***** 1 2 3 4 skip the 5 value of continue statement 6 7 8 9 10 |
Switch Case: A switch statement is used to check the condition. The switch statement is a very most useful statement. switch statements are a multiple condition check using a switch case.
Syntax switch Statement
{ case '1': //case one execute ; break; case '3': //case three execute; break; default: //no case match is default case is executed; } |
How To Use switch statement in C++?
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x=2; switch(2) { case 1: cout<<"case one executed"; break; case 2: cout<<"case two execuetd"; break; case 3: cout<<"case three executed"; default: cout<<"value are not match"; } } *****OUTPUT***** |
char: A char keyword defines the character value
char grade='A';
HowTo Use of char keyword?
using namespace std; int main() { char grade='A'; cout<<"Student garde value:"<<grade; } *****OUTPUT***** Student grade value:'A' |
const: A const identifier can be declared a constant value using the const keyword. the constant value can not be changed.
const int data = 10;
How To Use of const keyword?
using namespace std; int main() { const int data=10; cout<<"The value of data:"<<data; } *****OUTPUT***** The value of data:10 |
do-while: A do-while loop is a very most useful loop. do-while loop used the repeat the value. when they do while loop the first time executes in the program given the condition.
Syntax do-while loop
{ //statement; increment/decrement; } while(condition); } |
How To Use do-while loop?
using namespace std; int main() { int i=1; do { cout<<" "<<i; i++; } while(i<=10); } *****OUTPUT***** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
double and float: double and float Keywords are used for declaring floating type value. double keywords are used for the long number of values and float is used for the floating-point value.
double data=13.75356354;
float data=13.23;
How To Use double and float
using namespace std; int main() { double data=687537332; float d=53.2364; cout<<"value of double number:"<<data<<"\n"; cout<<"value of floating number:"<<d; } *****OUTPUT***** value of double number:687537332.000000 value of floating number:53.236401 |
if and else: An if-else statement is used in the decision-making condition. if the statement executes the condition is true. otherwise else statements are executed. when condition false.
Syntax of if-else statement
{ //statement; } else { //statement; } |
How To Use of if-else statement
using namespace std; int main() { int age; if (age<=18) { cout<<"You can play the PUBG Game"; } else { cout<<"You can not play the PUBG Game"; } return 0; } *****OUTPUT***** You can play the PUBG Game |
enum: An enum is named integer constants. enum is a user-defined data type. enum is an Enumeration.
Syntax of enum
How To Use of enum keyword
using namespace std; enum year { Jan,Feb,mar,api,may,June,July,Aug,sep,Oct,Nov,dec}; int main() { enum year data; data=June; cout<<"value of june:"<<data; } *****OUTPUT***** value of june:5 |
extern: An extern keyword is used external linking outside of the file.
for: A for loop can be Using C Language. it is the very most useful loop. Because for loop in an initiation condition and increment/deferment only one line. so for loop is the most useful loop.
Syntax of for loop
for(int i=1;i<=10;i++) |
How To Use of for loop
using namespace std; int main() { for(int i=1;i<=10;i++) { cout<<" "<<i; } } *****OUTPUT***** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
goto: The goto statement is a jump statement control of the program to another label of the program.
int: An int keyword is used the integer type value of the c Language.
return: The return keyword terminates the function and returns the value of the c program.
size: A size of keyword has used the size of data.
register: A register keyword is used the quick access the data.it is very fast to retrieve the data from the computer. Because value stored the register.
static: Static variables are not reclaimed. They keep their value. On re-entry to the block, the variable will have its old value.
struct: A struct keyword is used for declaring a structure. A structure can behold the variables of different types with only a single name.
Syntax of structure
char name[80]; float marks; int age; }s1, s2; |
typedef: The C++ programming language provides a keyword called typedef, which you can use to give a type a new name. A typedef keyword can be used to long name to the small name change. typedef can Use the short name of any long variables name.
union: Union is a data type in C++ programming that allows different data types to be stored in the same memory locations. A union is used for grouping different types of variables under a single name. union is stored the single value stored. otherwise other value garbage value in the variables.
Syntax of union
{ Data type var1; Data type var2; Data type var3; }; |
void: void keyword meaning nothing value the use. the void return type of the c++ program.
volatile: A volatile keyword is used for creating volatile objects. It can be used the change the value of hardware memory.