Php object-oriented scripting language in 2022

Php object-oriented scripting language in 2021
Php object-oriented scripting language in 2021

Php object-oriented scripting language 

PHP Object-Oriented: PHP is a server-side scripting language that allows you to create dynamic web pages. This means that when a user visits your website, it will dynamically generate content based on the user's request.

This introduction has given very detailed information about how PHP can be used in an object-oriented way.

Object in PHP: A Object is having states and behaviors in which state means what does it has and behavior means what does it do. 

The object is an instance of the class. We can create many objects of a single class. An object of a class is created using a new keyword.

Class in PHP: Class is a collection of data members and member functions. Data members are the variable used inside the class. Member functions are the function used inside the class. is also called a User-defined data type. 

Syntax of Class in PHP

Class class_name


Data member1;

Data member2;

Data member3;


Member function1;

Member function2;

Member function3;


Class Declaration: Most points to remember while making class program in PHP.

1. Declare variable with appropriate access specifier as per your requirement
for example to find the area of rectangle three variables are sufficient(height, width, and area)
2. Declare the function as per your requirement
for example to find the area of rectangle i am using three function set_height($h),set_width($w) and find_area().

How to use class declaration in PHP?


class Rectangle


public $height;

public $width;

public $area;

function set_height($h)


$this->height = $h;


function set_width($w)




function find_area()



echo "Area of Rectangle=".$this->area;




this keyword: $this keyword refers to the current object of the class. It can be used only inside methods. By using $this keyword we can pass the local variable value into the class-level variable.

Defining Object: Create object of class to access the data member and member function of a class. new keyword is used to create object.
objectname=new classname();

$rec1=new Rectangle();
Here Rectangle is the name of the class and rec1 is the name of the object.

Accessing data member and member function. Data member and member function of a class can be accessed using the arrow(->)operator.
1. Accessing data member
2. Accessing member function


class Rectangle


public $height;

public $width;

public $area;

function set_height($h)


$this->height = $h;


function set_width($w)




function find_area()



echo "Area of Rectangle:".$this->area;



$r=new Rectangle();






 Area of Rectangle:144

Accessing Data member Outside a class: A Class level variable can be accessed outside a class by using the object.

How to access data members outside of a class in PHP?


class Rectangle


public $height;

public $width;

public $area;

function set_height($h)


$this->height = $h;


function set_width($w)




function find_area()



echo "Area of Rectangle=".$this->area;



$r=new Rectangle();



echo "Rectangle Height:".$r->height."<br>";

echo"Rectangle Width:". $r->width;



Rectangle Height:100

Rectangle Width:200

How to change the property value in PHP?


class Rectangle


public $height;

public $width;

public $area;

function set_height($h)


$this->height = $h;


function set_width($w)





$r=new Rectangle();




echo $r->height."<br>";

echo $r->width;





because 100 is replaced with 50

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